Azure AZ-900 Exam Study Notes Part – 13

This “Azure AZ-900 Exam Study Notes Part – 13” blog series covers the continuation of the questions and answers I used for brainstorming and self-learning part of my exam preparation.

AZ-900 Exam Study Notes – Part 13

241Deploying an app can be done directly to what level of physical granularity?
242To use Azure datacenters that are made available with power, cooling, and networking capabilities independent from other datacenters in a region, choose a region that supports _________?
AAvailability Zones
243Application availability refers to what?
AThe overall time that a system is functional and working.
244What is the Azure free account?
AThe Azure free account includes free access to popular Azure products for 12 months, $200 USD credit to spend for the first 30 days, and access to more than 25 products that are always free
245What is required to create Azure free account
AYou need a phone number, a credit card, and a Microsoft or GitHub account. Credit card information is used for identity verification only. You won’t be charged for any services until you upgrade.
246what is the three different purchasing option with Azure
A1) Buying directly through  2) Buying Azure through a Microsoft representative is intended for large organizations 3) Through microsoft partner
247What is the three support plan option available with Azure
ADeveloper for non-critical workloads, standard for production workload and professional direct for business critical workloads
248What are There are four common techniques for performing compute in Azure:
Avirtual machine, containers, Azure app service and Serverless computing
249What are virtual machine scale sets?
AScale sets allow you to centrally manage, configure, and update a large number of VMs in minutes to provide highly available applications. Furthermore, the number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule.
250What is Azure Batch?
AAzure Batch enables large-scale job scheduling and compute management with the ability to scale to tens, hundreds, or thousands of VMs.
251What are the common app service you can host with Azure App service
AWeb Apps, API Apps, Webjobs and Mobile Apps
252What are the three ideas encompasses by serverless computing
AAbstraction of servers, event-driven scaling and micro-billing
253what is the difference between functions &  logical Apps
AWith Azure Functions, you write code to complete each step, with Logic Apps, you use a GUI to define the actions and how they relate to one another.
254Suppose you have an existing application running locally on your own server. You need additional capacity but prefer to move to Azure instead of buying upgraded on-premises hardware. Which compute option would likely give you the quickest route to getting your application running in Azure?
AVirtual machines
255Imagine that you work on a photo-sharing application that runs on millions of mobile devices. Demand is unpredictable because you see a spike in usage whenever a locally or nationally significant event occurs. Which Azure compute resource is the best match for this workload?
AServerless computing
256The compute options give you different levels of control over the configuration of the environment in which your application runs. Lists the compute options in order of your control from “most control” to “least control”?
AVirtual machines, containers, serverless computing
257What are the three primary types of data that Azure Storage is designed to hold?
AStructured data, semi-structured data and unstructured data
258What is Azure Queue?
AAzure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
259What are the storage encryption services supported with Azure
AAzure storage service encryption (SSE) and client-side encryption
260What is Azure Disk Storage
ADisk storage provides disks for virtual machines, applications, and other services to access and use as they need, similar to how they would in on-premises scenarios.
AZ-900 Exam Study Notes – Part 13

For passing the exam, on top of this blog series, I strongly urge you to create an account in the Azure portal and get some real-time experience on the topic. For more information, please visit Microsoft sites AZ-900 and Azure fundamentals. Also please go through ” Azure AZ-900 Exam Study Notes Part – 11 and 12 ” in case if you missed previous study notes. Happy learning

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